Who Queen Elizabeth Rooted For: There are two versions that are retold


The British Queen Elizabeth died at the age of 96, and she will be remembered as a great fan of sports and football.


Little is known about whom she supported, but there are two interesting versions about it.

The Queen never wanted to publicly point out who she supported, as she wanted to remain neutral in the eyes of the whole of Britain, but she allegedly confided in one of the guards, who she confided that she secretly sympathized with the Hammers, or West Ham.

The story dates back to 2009 when some media reported that her attachment to West Ham came because of West Ham coach Ron Greenwood, who led the club to win the FA Cup and the Commonwealth Cup.

According to another version, a member of the Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, discovered that Queen Elizabeth was a big fan of Arsenal.

Corbyn, who has been MP for North Islington since 1983, revealed that Queen Elizabeth chose Upper Streat for her coronation in 1953, in the heart of the Arsenal grounds. She was also announced to open the Emirates Stadium in 2006, but due to a back injury, she had to give it up.

But the former player of the “gunners”, Cesc Fabregas, also confirms that the queen has sympathy for Arsenal. The famous Spaniard even said that the queen revealed it to him herself.

“The Queen seems to love football and told us she supports Arsenal,” Fabregas noted a few years ago, when he was still playing for Arsenal.


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